Paul Andresen
Weekdays, 10am–2pm
Saturday, 2pm–6pm
Hi! Welcome to the DJ “About Me” section of a radio station website! This is fairly uncharted waters, but I assure you it’s safe around here.
I’m a radio lifer…I’ve literally never held another full-time job outside of blabbing behind a microphone. Been fortunate enough to do time at various stations in Georgia, one in South Dakota, and now in lovely Terre Haute on the Mix!
Before radio, I was fortunate enough to study at and graduate from The University of Georgia. (Pro tip: DON’T get a degree in Journalism) I did do some productive work at UGA…I spent time performing with the Redcoat Marching Band and got to personally witness the two worst years of Georgia Football in modern history. Wouldn’t trade my experience for the world!
Outside of work, I LOVE watching old game shows and re-runs of Maury & Steve Wilkos. Also, I’ve become somewhat of the grill master in the last few years. No one can beat my Carne Asada…no one. My next hurdle? The Smoker. Who wants ribs??
Excited to spend every day at work with you on Mix! Drop me a note at paul.andresen@mwcradio.com to check in and let me know where you listen/work.