Help us turn Type 1 into Type NONE with the first annual JDRF One Walk of the Wabash Valley.
Type 1 Diabetes is an autoimmune disease that strikes children and adults. It has nothing to do with diet or lifestyle—and it’s serious and stressful to manage. Type 1 Diabetes cannot be prevented and there is currently no cure.
But there is something you can do to help!
About the Event
This year, to keep our Type 1 Diabetic community safe, we have shifted to a virtual walk experience. Click below to make a donation or register for the walk and get a free Holiday World ticket for every $100 you raise.
By participating in JDRF One Walk, the money you raise supports life-changing breakthroughs that give hope to everyone impacted by this disease. And, you’ll have a great time doing it!
Brought to you by: Lynn’s Pharmacy, Dorsett Automotive and Dorsett Ford.
And be sure to check out the virtual walk on their Facebook page!