INDIANAPOLIS (WXIN) — Ahead of the FSSA’s Office of Medicaid Policy and Planning presenting its proposed ABA therapy rate findings to the State Budget Committee, dozens of lawmakers are pressing Gov. Holcomb for more time before a final decision is made.
Forty-two lawmakers from both sides of the aisle sent a joint letter to the governor last week concerned the FSSA’s proposed rate could cut services for kids across the state.
Rep. Craig Haggard said he signed the letter to help kids like his youngest son — a now-20-year-old college student that is thriving thanks to therapies like ABA.
Rep. Haggard added that he also felt compelled to sign the letter — which was authored by fellow state Rep. Robb Greene — because he’s concerned the proposed Medicaid reimbursement rate could be too low for most centers to keep providing essential services and programs.
”With something so important, it’s OK to take a little bit of time to maybe have a summer study or stop this and let’s slow down, let’s get all the players involved,” Rep Haggard said.
In his letter, Rep. Robb Greene said he hopes his recent meeting with the FSSA, the Governor’s Office, and Indiana’s Medicaid Director is the first of several more.
“No one denies the need to find a resolution on standardizing the reimbursement rate, but we respectfully ask to be a voice in the decision,” Greene said.
”It’s something that has been off on the side and not really dealt with, and now we have to deal with it,” State Sen. Ed Charbonneau said.
Charbonneau added that he did not sign the letter, but thinks all parties involved can reach a compromise on a standardized reimbursement rate.
”Do we end up at $56? Probably not, but where between, where it does end up remains to be seen,” Sen. Charbonneau said.
”Say we get together, and we find, ‘Hey, this is, it was right, or maybe it was a little wrong,” Rep Haggard said. “We adjust it, and whatever we put in place, it’s not like we can’t go back.”
The official date for the FSSA’s Office of Medicaid Policy and Planning State Budget Committee presentation has yet to be announced.