TERRE HAUTE, Ind. (WTWO/WAWV) – On this Memorial Day, it’s appropriate to hear from veterans. What they have to say is not only important, it’s also inspirational.
Elmer LaDue World War II: “Oh yes, I want to salute it. I have two flags out here. It’s a good symbol for American. I like it.”
Lando Cosby World War II and Korean War: “I like to do it correct and not fly it at night unless it’s go a light on it. I’m very patriotic.”
Bill Welch World War II: “I don’t care how things might be right now attitude wise and on so. There’s still no where better than the United States.”
Heath Hayes Iraq War and Indiana National Guard: “I mean I put the flag on my right arm and there’s a reason it’s facing this direction because we’re always moving forward. That’s why we do what we do. I believe I’m part of the greatest fighting force on this Earth. And I’m an American.”
Marie Cosby worked in factories for the war effort during World War II: Question: “Did that give you an added motivation to do really good work? Oh yeah, oh yeah. We went up in the bathroom in the place with the windows and wave to the guys on the train going, they drafted them and we’d wave goodbye to them. Question: But you were not only helping them fight, but you might have saved their lives. Yeah, that’s why they were waving to us saying take care and good work.”
Bernie Monaghan World War II: “I’d rather be remembered as a survivor, rather than a hero.”
Jimmie Royer World War II: “I feel like if it hadn’t been for the Lord’s help I wouldn’t be here today and I had been gone at 19, because it was. I was on the critical list for over a month.”
Ned B. Kent World War II: “This attack, I got out of my bed and kneeled down a prayed for these men. We lost a lot of men, but we had a successful landing on Marseille, France.”
Walter Sommers World War II: “It was the most shocking experience of my life. I saw dead American
soldiers. I saw wounded American soldiers with bloody bandages. It really hits you.”
Ike Murphy Korean War: “And then he shot me the bullet went in my hip and went all the way up through my body and it stopped right here.”
Earl Orman World War II : “You know today I can’t watch a movie with a murder in it. I’m out, I mean. Because I’ve seen so many guys killed, and.”
Bill Searing Vietnam War: “I’m very fortunate because I still have my limbs. You know I can walk from here to that door, a lot of them can’t. And so, I really feel sorry for them. And sometimes I’m
embarrassed to go to the V.A. for help when I know that there’s probably a lot more out there
that need it worse than I do.”
Ed Robbins World War II: “If I was better, I’d go today.” Question: “You would?” “I would.”
Leighton Willhite World War II: “I want them to remember that we went through hell for this nation. You know I’’ll be honest with you the boys now have no idea what it was back then and what it is now which I’m grateful it’s that way.
Several of the veterans who spoke for this article are no longer with us. But what they said and how they lived will continue to inspire the many lives they touched.